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The Golden Coin



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The TGC (The Golden Coin) project began on late september 2009 when Damian Bernardi as DamianDJ decided to start to develope a completely free offline and 3-dimensional role-playing game. The concept is to subdivide in chapters a deep story and to implement a great gameplay in a very big world. Because of the limited time available and the great ambitions, the decision to use as engine the Cube 2: Sauerbraten was obvious. Comfortable and powerfull. 

On the 7th july 2010 we decided to set up a development team based on 3 members called "Somnium". dissonance the music engineer, will provide an almost complete soundtrack of the game. Evan0605 will take care of the story/quest and the dialogue content. And DamianDJ will almost work on the rest.

On  the 31th july I was glad to present our 4th official developer, IKS that will contribute with some 3D models.

Damian Bernardi is also looking for a retribuited job as junior game designer. He is currently studying electronic engineering at the university of Trento (north Italy). 
Contact e-mail address: damiandjstaf@yahoo.it

Producer: DamianDJ
Public relations: DamianDJ
Head programmer: DamianDJ
Game designer: DamianDJ
Level designer: DamianDJ
3D Model artist: IKS
Story/Quest writer: evan0605
Music engineer: diss0nance
Visual artist: Manbearpig6612
Moderators: DamianDJ, TheAdminUsh
Testers: polobow, Ka-ching

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    Copyright © DamianDJ 2024     Version: 4.0 BETA